У оквиру семинара Групе за гравитацију, честице и поља Института за физику у Београду, у петак, 15. марта 2024. године у 11 часова, у сали 360 Института за физику у Београду, Петар Петрашиновић (Институт за физику у Београду) одржаће предавање:
Moore-Penrose inverse of matrix and its application to solving general linear systems
In linear algebra, the Moore-Penrose inverse stands as a generalization of the conventional matrix inverse, having been independently introduced by E.H. Moore in 1920 and later by Roger Penrose in 1955. The Moore-Penrose inverse is uniquely defined for all matrices whose entries are either real or complex numbers and extends its applicability to rectangular and even singular matrices. The versatility and uniqueness of the Moore-Penrose inverse are the major reasons for its significance (and discovery), which is reflected in solving general linear systems of equations, or tensor systems which can be reshaped into matrix form. In this seminar, I will discuss the properties of the Moore-Penrose inverse, display some of the calculation methods, and demonstrate its practical applications.