Бенедек Букор

24. априла 2024.

У оквиру семинара Групе за гравитацију, честице и поља Института за физику у Београду, у петак, 26. априла 2024. године у 11 часова, у сали 360 Института за физику у Београду, Бенедек Букор (Факултет за математику, физику и информатику, Универзитет Коменског у Братислави) одржаће предавање:

What about quarkonia in the (non)commutative space?


Quarkonium bound states are especially promising candidates to test the probable quantum structure of space-time since they represent a system with a reasonably small characteristic distance. Although the theory of quarkonia is quantum chromodynamics, the interaction between the quarks can be heuristically described by the quantum mechanical Cornell potential as well. Firstly, we investigate the quarkonium system in the 3-dimensional smooth configuration space. Thereafter, we insert it into a non-commutative 3-dimensional configuration space, which is composed of concentric fuzzy spheres of increasing radius, called the fuzzy onion, in order to extract some consequences of the non-trivial structure of the space by means of the quarks’ properties.