News A CLOSER LOOK: A Life of a Physicist at the InstituteWhat does research at the Institute of Physics look like? Researchers at the Institute conduct research in 25 laboratories equipped with competitive research infrastructure in various fields of modern physics including new materials studies and alternative theories of gravity. Approximately… PROJECTS: Dr Antonietta Ferrara and Steven Tossyn on Physics and ComicsThe ARTEMIS European project in which the Institute’s researchers led by Dr Branko Kolarić participate, dedicated to quantum mechanics, launched cooperation with comic book artists as well. On this occasion, Dr Antonietta Ferrara of the National Research Council (CNR), coordinator… AWARDS: Award for Quantum Scar ResearchDr Ana Hudomal, one of this year’s three recipients of national recognition within the international programme L’Oréal-UNESCO ‘For Women in Science’ does her research in physics of quantum many particle systems at the Centre for the Study of Complex Systems of… TALKS ABOUT FUTURE: Black Swans and Other CoincidencesBlack swans serve as a metaphor for sudden, unpredictable events which have a strong impact and can only be explained upon their completion. The second meet-up within the ‘Conversation about the Future’ initiative was held on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 at the… AWARDS: Dr Ana Hudomal Receives the “For Women in Science” AwardDr Ana Hudomal of the Institute of Physics Belgrade was announced as one of three recipients of the national scholarship ‘For Women in Science’ for 2024, at the ceremony at the seat of the Government of the Republic of Serbia… EVENTS: Workshop on MetamaterialsThe Metamaterials: From Quantum and Nano Perspective workshop, organized by the Laboratory for Nanophotonics, took place from 9 to 13 December 2024 at the Institute of Physics Belgrade. The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange ideas between visiting lecturers and… INOVATIONS: Conference on Patents at Moskva HotelThe conference dedicated to economic aspects of innovations titled Patents as a Resource was held on Tuesday, 17 December at the Moskva Hotel. The conference was co-organized by the Institute of Physics Belgrade and the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of… EVENTS: The Institute at Petnica’s ConferenceThe 23rd Step into Science Conference officially opened on Friday, 13 December at the Petnica Research Centre. Among the distinguished professors and researchers at the conference opening, the present was Dr Antun Balaž who addressed the audience on behalf of the Institute… EVENTS: Election Assembly of the Optical Society of Serbia Held at the InstituteThe Election Assembly of the Optical Society of Serbia was held on Thursday, 12 December at the Institute of Physics Belgrade. Dr Antun Balaž, deputy director of the Institute of Physics and a member of the Optical Society of Serbia,… Scientific excellenceSelected projectsCenters of excellenceStrategic partnershipsAwardsReturn from diaspora Video GARDEN OF PHYSICS: How to stop the brain drain? GARDEN OF PHYSICS Special: Switzerland and Institute of Physics GARDEN OF PHYSICS 31: The Origin of Replicators GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 30: Quantum effects of photosynthesis GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 29: The Lord of Machines GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 28: The Dawn of Physic in Serbia GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 27: Dark Question of Werner Heisenberg GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 26: The Secret of Newtonian Revolution Garden of Physics Episode 25: How to predict pollution GARDEN OF PHYSICS 24: Unbearable coldness of superconductivity GARDEN OF PHYSICS: How to stop the brain drain? GARDEN OF PHYSICS Special: Switzerland and Institute of Physics GARDEN OF PHYSICS 31: The Origin of Replicators GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 30: Quantum effects of photosynthesis GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 29: The Lord of Machines GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 28: The Dawn of Physic in Serbia GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 27: Dark Question of Werner Heisenberg GARDEN OF PHYSICS Episode 26: The Secret of Newtonian Revolution Garden of Physics Episode 25: How to predict pollution GARDEN OF PHYSICS 24: Unbearable coldness of superconductivity EDUCATION AND SPECIALIZED TRAININGWorking with talentsCooperation with facultiesPhD studiesVerrocchio and postdoctoral studiesSpecialized trainingTECHNOLOGICAL COMPETITIVENESSScientific infrastructureInnovation center and workshopsVerrocchio Prototype Fabrication FacilitySpin off companies Research RESEARCH: On a quest for Holstein PolaronRESEARCH: Physics in the service of surgeryINTERVEIW: Jakša Vučičević, PhDRESEARCH: In search of antimatterCERN: Particle physicists update strategy for the future of the field in EuropeRESEARCH: Novel work on repulsive interaction of photonsNEWS: The Science Fund has approved funding of the ATLAS artificial intelligence projectRESEARCH: Quantum scars in Nature edition SOCIAL RELEVANCEPublic engagement and OutreachLocal communityHumanitarian actionsCenter for Analysis and Development