СЕМИНАР: Тијана Раденковић
У петак 25. маја у 11 часова на Институту за физику у сали 360 Тијана Раденковић ће одржати семинар под насловом: „Action for scalar, Dirac and gauge fields as 3-BF action with constraints“. САЖЕТАК: First, we will remind you of 2-BF model of guantum gravity –2-categorical generalization of BF model and the notion of 2-group(which is equivalent to crossed module) necessary for constructing it.Then, we will see how by considering crossed module forG=SO(3,1)xU(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) instead of G=SO(3,1) we obtain equations ofmotion for gauge field coupled to gravity known from EC theory. Finally,we will show how by using the notion of 3-group one can write the actionfor gravity coupled to scalar and Dirac fields as 3-BF action withconstraints.