проф. др Веи Ку

28. јуна 2023.

У оквиру традиционалног колоквијума Института за физику у Београду, у понедељак, 03. јула 2023. године у 12 часова у сали „Звонко Марић“ предавање под насловом:

Chemical disorder-induced electronic orders in correlated metals

одржаће проф. др Веи Ку (Цунг-Дао Ли институт, Шангајски Јиао Тонг универзитет, Шангај, Кина).


In strongly correlated metals, long-range magnetic order is sometimes found only upon introduction of a minute amount of disordered non-magnetic impurities to the unordered clean samples. To explain such anti-intuitive behavior, we have proposed a scenario of inducing electronic (magnetic, orbital, or charge) order via chemical disorder in systems with coexisting local moments and itinerant carriers. By disrupting the damaging long-range quantum fluctuation originating from the itinerant carriers, the electronic order preferred by the local moment can be re-established. In this talk we will demonstrate this mechanism using a realistic spin-fermion model and show that the magnetic order can indeed be recovered as a result of enhanced disorder once the length scale of phase coherence of the itinerant carriers becomes shorter than a critical value. The proposed simple idea has a general applicability to strongly correlated metals, and it showcases the rich physics resulting from interplay between mechanisms of multiple length scales.