У оквиру семинара Иновационог центра Института за физику у Београду, у четвртак, 14. новембра 2023. године у 12 часова у сали „Звонко Марић“, проф. др Сајмон Стокли (Универзитет Кембриџ) одржаће предавање:
Cambridge Innovation and Enterprise Ecosystem
During this talk, I give an overview of the Cambridge innovation and enterprise ecosystem and discuss the typical entrepreneurship curriculum at Cambridge University and Imperial College London. I will initiate the discussions about the issues and opportunities in the domain of innovation and entrepreneurship in Serbia and compare the situation between the UK and Serbia.
Simon Stockley is an Associate Professor at Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University, specializing in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship education, and co-founded Accelerate Cambridge to support tech start-ups. Simon has coached and advised over 300 technology ventures, many of which achieved early traction, scale-up and a successful exit. His areas of expertise include technology venturing, the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams and the financing of early-stage ventures.