проф. др Раниш Балакришан

10. новембра 2023.

У оквиру семинара Центра за физику чврстог стања и нове материјале Института за физику у Београду, у среду, 15. новембра 2023. године у 13:30 у читаоници библиотеке „др Драган Поповић“, проф. др Раниш Балакришан (Департман за физику, Catholicate College, Патанамтита, Керала, Индија) одржаће предавање:

Multiferroic Materials: Exploring Applications and Advancements


Multiferroic materials exhibit simultaneous ferroelectric and magnetic orderings, opening up intriguing opportunities for advanced electronics. The utilization of composite strategies has been extensively employed in the development of magnetoelectric multiferroic materials, leading to enhanced performance characteristics. The polymer-based multiferroic nanocomposite shows high flexibility and room-temperature magnetoelectric effects. Introducing magnetic nanoparticles into highly piezoelectric polymers results in multifunctional materials with enhanced magnetoelectric properties, prevalent in the realm of flexible electronic devices. Apart from the magnetoelectric property, the nanocomposites are capable of harvesting energy from mechanical stimuli.  Recent developments in the PVDF- based composites have demonstrated their potential in antimicrobial efficiency, wound healing, tissue regeneration, self-powered implantables and wearable devices. These systems will be a bridge between
multifunctionality, multiferroic properties and biocompatibility.