Нуно Азеведо Силва

27. септембра 2023.

У оквиру семинара Центра за фотонику Института за физику у Београду, у четвртак, 28. септембра 2023. године, у 13 часова, у сали „Звонко Марић“ Института за физику, Нуно Азеведо Силва (Центар за примењену фотонику, INESC TEC, Порто, Португал) одржаће предавање:

From Optical Sensing to Optical Computing: Overview of activities at the Center for Applied Photonics at INESC TEC, Portugal


INESC TEC is one of the largest Portuguese research institutions, with activities spanning a wide range of topics from robotics to photonics. In this presentation, we will overview the research activities of one of
the 13 centers of INESC TEC – the Center for Applied Photonics – starting with the major activities of our major laboratories:
1) Optical Fiber and Extreme Sensing;
2) Bio and chemical sensors;
3) Microfabrication; and
4) Imaging.
Then, we will explore in more detail the topics of research of the Imaging team, with highlights on Spectral Imaging, Optical Tweezers, Analogue Quantum Simulations, and Optical Computing.