У оквиру семинара Групе за гравитацију, честице и поља Института за физику у Београду, у петак, 09. септембра 2022. године у 11 часова у читаоници „Драган Поповић“ Института за физику, др Татјана Вукашиац (Грађевински факултет, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Morelia, Мексико), одржаће предавање:
Hamiltonian analysis of general relativity in first order formalism (in self-dual variables) in the presence of a weakly isolated horizon
We perform a canonical analysis of general relativity in first order formalism (in self-dual variables), for spacetimes with a weakly isolated horizon (WIH) as an internal boundary. Isolated horizons are quasilocal generalizations of event horizons and their definition is purely geometrical. On the other hand, the covariant action and the Hamiltonian formulation of the theory are sensitive to the choices of variables and boundary terms. We show that the choice of dynamical variables on WIH is not unique and use this freedom to construct different consistent canonical formulations.