др Михаило Чубровић

17. јула 2024.

У оквиру семинара Центра за изучавање комплексних система Института за физику у Београду, у четвртак, 25. јула 2024. године у 14 часова  у читаоници библиотеке „др Драган Поповић“, др Михаило Чубровић (Центар за изучавање комплексних система, Институт за физику у Београду) одржаће предавање:

Weak chaos inside and outside of black holes


Black holes in general relativity are conjectured to be the most chaotic objects in nature due to their specific geometry and symmetries. In this talk we will explore how this picture changes in the presence of quantum and stringy corrections to classical gravity. More specifically, we will consider the dynamics of highly excited strings and matrix models and find that the resulting physics is drastically different from the classical gravity picture: even in the black hole regime the dynamics can be nonuniversal and weakly chaotic with regular structures, and the properties of the black hole state are encoded in these nonuniversal dynamical properties. We will discuss similar weak chaos in the Bose-Hubbard model as the prototypical low-energy quantum many-body system, but the consequences are very different in absence of the diffeomorphism invariance of gravity.