проф. Дорон Коен

17. маја 2024.

У оквиру семинара Центра за изучавање комплексних система Института за физику у Београду, у четвртак, 23. маја 2024. године у 14 часова путем Zoom платформе, проф. Дорон Коен (Департман за физику, Бен Гурион Универзитет, Израел) одржаће предавање:

Quantum irreversibility


Quantum mechanically, a driving process is expected to be reversible in the quasistatic limit, also known as the adiabatic theorem. This statement stands in opposition to classical mechanics, where a mix of regular and chaotic dynamics implies irreversibility. A paradigm for demonstrating the signatures of chaos in quantum irreversibility is a sweep process whose objective is to transfer condensed bosons from a source orbital. In this talk we will show that such a protocol is dominated by an interplay of adiabatic-shuttling and chaos-assisted depletion processes [1]. The latter is implied by interaction terms that spoil the Bogoliubov integrability of the Hamiltonian. As the sweep rate is lowered, a crossover to a regime that is dominated by quantum fluctuations is encountered, featuring a breakdown of quantum-to-classical correspondence. The major aspects of this picture are not captured by the common two-orbital approximation, which implies failure of the familiar many-body Landau-Zener paradigm.

[1] Y. Winsten and D. Cohen, Phys. Rev. A 107 (2023) 052202.