У оквиру Семинара Групе за честице и гравитацију, у петак 6. јула у 11 часова на Институту за физику у Београду у сали 360, др Марко Војиновић ће одржати предавање:
„Canonical structure of the 2-BF theory for the Poincare 2-group“
We perform the full Hamiltonian analysis of the topological BFCG action based on the Poincare 2-group. The Hamiltonian of the theory is constructed, and the algebra of constraints is computed. The Dirac brackets are evaluated, and the second class constraints are then eliminated from the theory. The results are contrasted to those of the topological Poincare gauge theory, which is equivalent to the BFCG model at the level of the classical action, but has a very different Hamiltonian structure. The canonical transformation which maps between the two theories turns out to be singular in a certain sense.