Проф. др Стеван Нађ-Перге

13. јуна 2023.

У оквиру традиционалног колоквијума Института за физику у Београду, у уторак, 20. јуна 2023. године у 12 часова у сали „Звонко Марић“ предавање под насловом:

Superconductivity and Strong Correlations In Graphene Multilayer Structures

одржаће добитник награде „Марко Јарић“ за 2021. годину, проф. др Стеван Нађ-Перге (Департман за примењену физику и науке о материјалима, Калифорнијски институт за технологију, САД).


When two graphene sheets are rotationally misaligned (i.e., twisted) by approximately one degree and stacked together, the resulting bilayer exhibits strongly correlated phases and superconductivity [1]. While the origin of these phases can be traced back to the weakly dispersive electronic bands, the precise microscopic understanding of their origin is still elusive. In this talk, we will discuss several experiments providing insights into the electronic phases of twisted bilayer graphene [2, 3] focusing on their superconducting and topological properties. We will also introduce other graphene-based systems that exhibit similar phenomenology [4-6], highlighting the prevalence of superconductivity in graphene-based structures and give an overview of the current challenges in the field.

[1] Y. Cao et al., Nature 556, 43 (2018).
[2] H. S. Arora et al., Nature 583, 379 (2020).
[3] Y. Choi et al., Nature 589, 536 (2021).
[4] H. Kim et al., Nature 606, 494 (2022).
[5] Y. Zhang et al., Science 377, 1538 (2022).
[6] Y. Zhang et al., Nature 613, 268 (2023)