У оквиру семинара Центра за изучавање комплексних система, у уторак, 9. јула 2019. у 16 часова у читаоници библиотеке „Др Драган Поповић“ Института за физику биће представљен Пекиншки центар за науку и технологију, а затим ће проф. Тао Јуе (Research
Department of Air Pollution Control of Beijing Municipal Institute of Labor Protection, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology) одржати предавање:
“Air Pollution Control in Beijing, China”
As the capital of China and an international metropolis, Beijing has experienced rapid development in the past two decades. However, the
great economic prosperity and urban growth have also resulted in the deterioration of the city’s environment, especially air quality. Decades
of hard work and mounting investments by the municipal government had paid off with a dramatic reduction in air pollution. From 2013 to 2018,
the annual average concentrations of SO2, NO2, PM2.5 and PM10 fell by 77.36%, 25.00%, 43.02%, and 27.84% respectively. The annual average
PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing fell from 89.5 to 51 μg/m3. The PM2.5 source apportionment results in 2013 and 2017 showed that regional
transport and local emissions aggravated Beijing’s air pollution and coal combustion, motor vehicles and dust were the three main local
emission sources. A comprehensive and effective air quality management system of Beijing has gradually taken shape, including complete laws and
enforcement, systematic planning, powerful local standards, strong monitoring capacity and high public environmental awareness. Beijing
government took corresponding measures targeting specific air pollution sources. Beijing’s experience and lessons in the development and
implementation of air pollution control policies and programs have long been a model for many Chinese cities.