The director of the Institute of Physics Belgrade, Dr Aleksandar Bogojević, participated as a lecturer in an online event titled ‘Serbia and Italy Cooperation in Horizon Europe – Key-Sectors and Opportunities for New Investment-Driven Partnerships’, on Wednesday, 22 February.
The event was organized by the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade and APRE – Agency for the Promotion of European Research, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development, and Innovation, with a goal of contributing to collaborative research and the exchange of good practices between two countries.
‘In the past, the cooperation mainly developed out of individual initiatives, however, it is necessary to cooperate on an institution level’, said Dr Aleksandar Bogojević, adding that research cooperation needs to be accompanied by the one driven by innovations and commercialization.
The director of the Institute was one of the four participants from Serbia who presented domestic experiences in the field of research and innovation. While giving a presentation about the Institute, Dr Bogojević highlighted that the Institute’s researchers had had two-decade-long experience in the European Union projects, as well as that the institution frequently partnered up with Italian institutions.
The Italian Elettra Sincrotrone Centre has recently been presented at the Institute, while cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Serbia has particularly been strengthened.