
IPB represents around 1% of Serbia’s research sector, producing 10% of the country’s scientific output. The percentage is even higher when one focuses on high-impact publications.

IPB is the first national institute of the Republic of Serbia and its largest institution in the physical sciences. IPB is host to 4 Centers of Excellence (recognized at national and EU levels) – larger research units defining priority areas of expertise and hosting competitive research infrastructures.

IPB currently employs 200 researchers (125 senior researchers, 75 PhD students). This research effort is conducted in is conducted in 22 Laboratories and 4 Centers of Excellence. Roughly 75% of IPB researchers work in its Centers of Excellence, and these units represent most of the priority areas of research undertaken at IPB.

IPB represents around 1% of Serbia’s research sector, producing 10% of the country’s scientific output. The percentage is even higher when one focuses on high-impact publications.

Besides Laboratories and Centers of Excellence, additional units/departments are: Innovation Center, CERN-Serbia Industrial Liaison Office (ILO), Workshops, Spin-off companies, Communications and Outreach Department, Center for Analysis and Development, Verrocchio Center.

IPB leads Serbian participation in international projects and collaborations. At the moment, IPB is the coordinating institution for two ERC Grants, one Twinning project and one MSCA project, and partner in a host of other active international projects, including six within Horizon Europe.

IPB is a recognized focal point for reintegration of experts from Serbia’s Diaspora. The Institute has Strategic partnerships with leading research centers such as CERN, INFN and DESY. 

The number of researchers is steadily growing. The goal of the 10-year Transformation Plan (developed by IPB and experts from the World Bank within the SAIGE project) is to grow to 400 researchers in total (with increased relative numbers of PhD students and postdocs).

In Serbia, national competitive projects are conducted by two agencies: Science Fund and Innovation Fund. IPB has been the most successful institution in all the calls conducted by these funding agencies to this date.