Relations with the local community

The Institute fosters friendly relations with the local community and regularly receives visits from nearby schools, kindergartens, as well as tourists.

The Institute of Physics in Belgrade is located in Zemun, on the banks of the Danube, between Gardoš tower and the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge, in a large green oasis.

Founded in 1961, the headquarters of the Institute for the first two decades was in the University building in the center of Belgrade. In 1983, as an already developed scientific institute with about 200 employees, Institute finally got own space – the dilapidated building of the former leather factory “Kristina Kovačević” in Maksima Gorki Street, as Pregrevica Street was then called. Located on the edge of the former brick factory – whose chimney is still standing and is the highest industrial building in Zemun – one part of the building was without a roof, on some floors the ceiling had collapsed, and in all rooms there was a heavy, unpleasant smell characteristic of the leather processing process.

From the very beginning, the Institute has nurtured and built friendly and partnership relations with the local community, and those relations are getting stronger every day. Today, the Institute is regularly visited by students from Zemun schools who visit our laboratories and centers and for whom we often arrange popular lectures. On the large lawn of the campus, preschoolers from several nearby kindergartens regularly play, and regular visitors to the Institute and fans of our garden are older citizens of Zemun. Their visits are organized by the “Izletnik” Association and the Zemun Tourist Association.