Ever since the Institute of Physics, Belgrade gained the status of ’the National Institute of the Republic of Serbia’ two years ago, in accordance with its new role and obligations, it opened its doors to its fellow citizens – especially high-school pupils and students, but also to everyone interested in science and work of our researchers.
Among others, the Institute was visited by students of Mathematical Gymnasium, International School Savremena, IV Belgrade Gymnasium, Computing Gymnasium, high-schools from Kladovo, followed by the students of primary school ’Vuk Karadžić’ from Kladovo, pre-school children from ’Bubamarica’ kindergarten, and the senior citizens from the Association ’Izletnik’, as well as the Tourist Association of Zemun.
Our regular guests are the children and educators of the near-by kindergarten ’Povratak prirodi’ who organize a part of their everyday activities on the Institute’s grounds.
A large number of our researchers have taken part in the organization of these visits, so the guests of the Institute have had the opportunity not only to visit our laboratories but also to watch conducting of experiments, talk to our researchers on the topics of their interest and attend specially organized popular lectures.
The visits of the students and their teachers of physics and related subjects are organized as part of the Institute of Physics School Day.
The School Day is targetting primary and secondary school students and aims at presenting the work of researchers and simplifying numerous issues physicists deal with. Together with researchers, students have the opportunity to visit laboratories, listen to interesting lectures which complement the knowledge acquired at school.
The Institute of Physics, Belgrade is the first national institute of the Republic of Serbia and conduct research of nature’s fundamental mechanisms which are a priority for the scientific, educational, cultural and overall social and economic development of the Republic of Serbia. Organization of these regular student visits is one of the activities through which the Institute of Physics, Belgrade supports enhancing the quality of education of students and encourages the young to choose the path of science.