Students of the Gymnasium “Svetozar Marković” Niš, who attend specialized classes for students with an affinity for physics and mathematics, visited the Institute of Physics Belgrade with their teachers on Thursday, October 12.
Two popular lectures were held at the Institute for nearly 40 very interested students. Dr. Dejan Đokić spoke about one of Einstein’s five papers from 1905 on Brownian motion, which played a crucial role in understanding the kinetic theory of gases, biological systems, and some issues of modern physics.
Dr. Marko Vojinović spoke about unusual conclusions and phenomena that physicists who study gravity deal with. Both lectures shed light on Albert Einstein’s great legacy in modern physics from different perspectives.
During the Institute tour, the students visited the Scientific Computing Laboratory, where Dr. Antun Balaž, together with younger researchers, spoke to them about research in various fields of physics, where numerical simulations on the Paradox supercomputer are used to study complex systems.
The “Svetozar Marković” Gymnasium students who attend specialized physics and mathematics classes, who were led on this visit by their teacher, Dr. Dragoljub Dimitrijević from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Niš, attend classes according to a specialized program in which they acquire more complete knowledge not only in physics and mathematics but also other natural and mathematical sciences, including informatics, biochemical sciences, and astronomy.