Scientists Emeriti of the Institute of Physics

10. May 2024.

During the celebration of the 2024 Day of the Institute in the garden of the Institute of Physics Belgrade, charters were presented to scientists emeriti. This honorary designation of the Institute was granted to six distinguished scientists who have achieved impressive scientific results in the course of their careers and they are as follows:

Dr Bosiljka Tadić

Dr Tasko Grozdanov

Dr Milivoj Belić

Dr Branislav Sazdović

Dr Milutin Blagojević

Academician Zoran V. Popović

Scientist Emeritus is an honorary title which the Institute of Physics bestows upon renowned scientists who continue to contribute to the Institute through their research, educational and innovative undertakings. This is a permanent title which is awarded as an expression of long-term ties and affiliations of a prominent scientist from the Institute of Physics.

A Scientist Emeritus does not receive any pay nor has the right to any other compensation. The decision on the designation of the honorary title of a Scientist Emeritus is made by the Institute’s director with the candidate’s consent, and the title is not related to the Professor Emeritus title which is defined by the Law on Higher Education.

Photos by: Bojan Džodan