‘Young researchers are coming, while the mid-life generation has completely matured to take on the leading role,’ says Dr Aleksandar Bogojević, the director of the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), in his traditional New Year address to researchers, employees and other IPB associates.
‘Another year has passed by. Health situation still prevents us from organizing a New Year cocktail and children play,’ states Dr Bogojević, reminding us that traditional pre-New Year events will not be possible to organize this year as well.
‘The pandemic has definitely left a negative imprint on this year, nevertheless, we still have many reasons to focus on positive results. First of all, I would like to congratulate the colleagues – leaders of new projects from the Science Fund’s IDEA programme,’ Dr Bogojević adds, mentioning that the IPB is the leader in the number of funded projects and the overall budget within this programme.
‘If we count in last year’s success on Fund’s calls, it becomes clear that the generation succession has successfully taken place at the Institute – young researchers are coming, while the mid-life generation has completely matured to take on the leading role,’ Dr Bogojević makes a point.
‘We face two strategic processes in the next year, each will strengthen the Institute, in its own way,’ considers Dr Bogoević in his address, announcing the 2022 plans.