One of 34 recipients of the Saint Sava Award for 2021 is Dr Danica Pavlović, a research associate at the Photonics Centre, at the Institute of Physics, Belgrade.
As specified in the award statement, she has received this prestigious award for ‘outstanding results in the field of biophotonics, in the sphere of biomaterials and innovation in biomedicine’. The statement also stresses out that Dr Danica Pavlović has been the youngest doctor in the field of biophotonics and that she has participated in the realization of multiple national and international projects, and it also states that she has been a winner of several awards and scholarships. She has published three international patents, and she has made a considerable contribution to the use of non-linear laser microscopy.
On the occasion of marking the school slava of patron Saint Sava, the Prime Minister’s first deputy and minister of education, science and technological development, Branko Ružić presented the Saint Sava Award to prominent individuals and institutions on Thursday, January 27, 2022. This recognition has been awarded for precisely two decades, and this year, according to the words of the minister, a record number of proposals arrived, to be exact, there were more than 150 proposals.