Visit of the “Jožef Stefan” Institute representatives

24. October 2023.

A delegation from the “Jožef Stefan” Institute in Ljubljana visited the Institute of Physics Belgrade on
Tuesday, October 24, 2023.

The Institute visited Luka Virag, legal advisor, Polona Strnad, public relations advisor, Andrej Sušnik, reactor operator and Marko Rosman, reactor operator and shift manager.

The visit aims to expand cooperation between the two scientific institutions, particularly in the field of innovation. The “Jožef Stefan” Institute representatives had a meeting with Dr. Aleksandar Bogojević, the Institute of Physics’ director, where they exchanged experiences and got acquainted with the work of this institution. The guests were particularly interested in the Institute communications activities.

After the meeting, the guests talked with the employees of the Institute Innovation Center. This visit represents the continuation of the cooperation that began in June 2023, when the delegation of the Institute of Physics Belgrade visited the Institute in Ljubljana, on which occasion the Cooperation Agreement was signed.