‘The future is in your hands. I cannot predict how science and technology will develop in Serbia, but I am impressed by the dedication and commitment of researchers from the Institute of Physics, said the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea H.E. Jaewoong LEE, in his visit to the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB).
The ambassador visited the Institute with his delegation on Tuesday, 7 February 2023. He toured several laboratories on this occasion, met researchers and spoke to the IPB Management about strengthening the cooperation with scientific and educational institutions in South Korea. During the talks, it was concluded that current favourable cooperation with South Korean physicists had been based on personal contacts, and individuals’ enthusiasm, but that it could be intensified through researchers’ mobility programmes, institutional cooperation promotion and development of bilateral projects.

‘Korea is a major player in research and a world superpower in the field of innovations. We believe that cooperation can be beneficial to both sides.’ said the IPB Director, Dr Aleksandar Bogojević. During the meeting with the ambassador, the Institute’s Management presented activities, plans and key scientific results of the IPB. It was highlighted that cooperation with Korea could play a prominent role for the Institute, as a scientific institution, which had been trying to make a breakthrough in innovations.

‘This is my first visit to a scientific-research institution in Serbia, and I am impressed. I am truly delighted by the readiness of the IPB researchers to contribute to the promotion of their country and the world,’ stated Ambassador Lee, following the tour of laboratories, reminding how much scientific and technological development was important for the overall development of society.
The Ambassador and members of his delegation toured the laboratories in the Centre for the Study of Complex Systems, the Centre for Solid State Physics and New Materials and the Centre for Non-Equilibrium Processes, where they talked to Centres’ heads and researchers. After that, they visited the Innovation Centre, where employees presented some of the developing ideas.

During the Ambassador’s visit, particular attention was paid to innovations, while researchers discussed technology development in the Republic of Korea, primarily in the fields of information and communications technologies, biotechnology and the chemical industry. This visit represents a sprout of cooperation of the Institute with the Serbian-Korean Information Access Centre (SKIP Centre), founded by the Government of the Republic of Korea, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

‘I will personally engage in the attempts to find appropriate, similar institutions in Korea, and establish relations with your institute. Good cooperation and relations between the two countries should be improved in the field of science.’ said Ambassador Lee, noting that despite the existence of individual-based cooperation, the institutionalized cooperation should be intensified
The visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea is a part of the Institute’s activities related to cooperation strengthening. In addition to strategic partners of the Institute, the cooperation with the Embassy of Italy has been furthered, while the delegation of the Embassy of Switzerland visited the Institute, in October 2022.