The Origin of Replicators
Guest: dr Aleksandar Bogojević
‘Life succeeds in instrumentalizing complexity’, says Dr Aleksandar Bogojević of the Institute of Physics, Belgrade in the 31st episode of the popular science video series ‘The Garden of Physics’, dedicated to replicators.
‘Replicators are relatively simple molecules of living nature which are made in such a manner to replicate themselves, says Dr Bogojević, adding that this is how the process of evolution begins. ‘What is necessary for evolution is to have copies and that they are not perfect, and then the competition between more and less successful ones commences’, elaborates Dr Bogojević.
The view that life does not need to resemble us, Dr Bogojević supports by claiming that evolution does not necessarily depend on the nature of the substrate it is happening in. ‘In ourselves, it occurred in something we call biochemistry, so the information is transferred through DNA and RNA, while we are made of proteins’, says the guest of ‘The Garden of Physics’, purporting that virtual worlds exist without biochemistry whatsoever.
Authors: Marija Đurić and Slobodan Bubnjević
Scenario: ’Science Through Stories’
Camera/drone: Zoran Veljanoski, Bojan Živojinović (Twotech Solutions)
Production associate: Jovana Nikolić
Directing and editing: Bojan Živojinović
Produced by: Insitute of Physics, Belgrade, 2021