Laser application in fusion reactors

29. March 2024.

(VIDEO) Humanity has been dreaming of clean energy coming from fusion reactors since World War II. So far, many problems and challenges have arisen in this work. A team of our researchers is working on one of the projects whose goal is to overcome some of the problems – specifically with the reactor wall – as part of the NOVA2LIBS4fusion project (Novel approach to laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics of fusion reactor plasma facing components).

The project discussed by Dr Biljana Stankov and Ivan Traparić from the Laboratory for Plasma Spectroscopy and Lasers was financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia as part of the Ideas program. Partners in the project are the Faculty of Physical Chemistry and the Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča” of the University of Belgrade and the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Kragujevac.

A Glance at Physics, Ep. 4 – Lasers application in fusion reactors

AUTHORS: Marija Đurić, Slobodan Bubnjević, Jovana Nikolić

RECORDING AND EDITING: Alkesandar Mijailović

PRODUCTION: Institute of Physics in Belgrade, 2023.

A Glance at Physics is a video series of the Institute of Physics Belgrade, which, in short episodes, presents individual projects and research conducted at the Institute. New episodes are presented every Friday on the Institute’s YouTube channel, website and social networks.