RESEARCH: Machine learning at the service of particle physics A team of researchers from CERN, Google and the Institute of Physics, Belgrade published a paper in June 2021, in Nature Machine Intelligence Journal presenting a new technique of machine learning, which could improve the detection of particle collision at…
RESEARCH: Using plasma against water-polluting dyes The paper of researchers from the Solid State Physics Laboratory of the Institute of Physics, Belgrade, whose primary author is Amit Kumar, a doctoral candidate, has been highlighted as a breakthrough in a renowned bulletin, in the field of plasma…
RESEARCH: Quantum effect at high-temperatures Dr Jakša Vučičević, a researcher at the Institute of Physics, Belgrade, participated in the research during which a new quantum phenomenon was observed at a high temperature. The research is a part of the project Cold atoms, Hubbard model and…
TOPICAL NEWS: Four Institute’s researchers win PROMIS grants The final list of young researchers whose funding within the Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers (PROMIS) has been confirmed, features as many as four researchers of the Institute of Physics Belgrade. The Institute is the most successful research…