Laboratory for photoacoustics
In the Laboratory, the analyses of gaseous and solid bodies take place in the area of pulsed and cw photoacoustics spectroscopy. Research activities for gases are focused on the development of technics and methods related to basic aspects of the application, analysis and monitoring of gases in traces, their absorption and relaxation characteristics on both normal and lower pressures. The activities related to solid samples are focused on the development of methods and the analysis of thermal and elastic characteristics of various metamaterials and structures with applications unavoidable in many branches of the industry (polymers, fullerene structures, MEMS and MOEMS structures, etc.).
Head of the Laboratory is Dr. Dragan Markušev, reasearch professor.
Dr. Dragan Markušev
Dr. Dragan Lukić
Dr. Dragana Markušev
Dr. Marica Popović