Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes
Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes (LACP) is founded by Prof. Acad. Dr. Milan Kurepa during sixties of the last century. Due primarily to his leadership, the laboratory gained an international reputation in the field of electron collisions with atoms and molecules. The present laboratory was created in 2010 by merging the original laboratory, focused on experimental research, with the group for theoretical atomic physics of the Institute of Physics. At that time and later the laboratory was led by Dr. Bratislav Marinković.
Research areas of the Laboratory are: Electron-atom and electron-molecule collision processes (experiment/theory), laser induced spectroscopy (experiment), interaction of synchrotron radiation with molecules (experiment) and the interaction of strong fields with atomic systems in general (theory). A significant research area of the laboratory is also quantum information theory (quantum dots, quantum correlations, quantum computing). There are three main experimental set-ups currently running: Electron Spectrometer for Angular Distributions (UGRA), Time Resolved – Laser Induced Spectroscopy (TR-LIS) and Omicron High Resolution Hemispherical Analyzer (OHRHA). Much experience has been accumulated in the design of electron spectrometers, formation of electron beams, particle detection, as well as in high vacuum technology. Researchers working on experiment are collaborating with synchrotron radiation at SOLEIL (France) and ELETTRA (Italy).
Head of the laboratory is Dr. Nenad Simonović.