‘Return of Science’ Project wins CPN’s funds

24. May 2024.

The Department of Communication of the Institute of Physics Belgrade has won funds at the official call of the Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) with its project ‘The Return of Science’. Judging by the final ranking list which was published last week, the project has been highly ranked, taking up the third position among 181 proposals.

Within the Science through Stories initiative, the Institute of Physics Belgrade will renew the programme of popular forums dedicated to various topics inspired by science in the autumn of 2024, by means of the project ambitiously named ‘The Return of Science’. The forums attracted quite a few interest parties due to interesting guests and accompanying programme, and over time they became one of the most notable popular science events in the city whose organization was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, following a several-year-long hiatus, a re-launch of this programme which is genuinely loved by many science aficionados is in the plans.

More details on previous forums are available on the Science through Stories portal.