Dr Dmitry V. Kamanin, head of the International Cooperation Department of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, visited the Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB) on Friday, 10 December 2021. In a meeting, the IPB’s director and employees discussed with Dr Kamanin the current and future cooperation between the two institutions.
During the visit to our Institute, Dr Kamanin gave a presentation on the Institute in Dubna and the possibilities for cooperation to all interested IPB researchers.
The Institute has fostered fruitful cooperation with the Institute in Dubna for several decades, it being one of the major European research institutions with a developed international network of associates. The Joint Institute is located 100 km from Moscow, in Dubna, a town called ‘A Town of Science’ due to this research Centre. It was founded in 1956 with the goal of researching the fundamental properties of matter. Nowadays, the Institute in Dubna employs more than 5.000 researchers and engineers, and researchers from other countries use its resources. There are 18 member states, and Serbia is one of six associate members. Serbia is soon expected to become a full member state of the Joint Institute.