Scientific Council approved the nomination of Dr Aleksandar Bogojević with 80% votes cast

15. April 2022.

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics, Belgrade with 80% votes of present members cast, supported Dr Aleksandar Bogojević’s nomination for the Institute’s director.

This body, representing researchers of the Institute, deliberated at the session held on Friday, 15 April. Out of 41 present members of the Scientific Council, 33 members supported the candidate, whereas five of them did not approve, and three ballot papers were deemed invalid.

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The election and appointment procedure of the director is underway at the Institute of Physics, which the Board of Directors commenced on 15 March 2022, by announcing a call for competition, to which the current director, Dr Aleksandar Bogojevic, responded as the only candidate.

As part of the procedure, and after the Commission and the Board of Directors confirmed the nomination, the Scientific Council delivered an opinion on the nominated candidate, which resulted in scheduling an extraordinary session of this body.

The candidate addressed the members at the session, recounting his previous results and his agenda for the upcoming four-year term. Afterwards, the members of the Council proceeded to a secret ballot.

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After the Board of Directors has received the Council’s opinion, it will deliberate on it, and the approval of the competent minister is also required for his appointment. 

Per tradition, like in the previous director election, this session of the Scientific Council was broadcast live on the YouTube channel and website of the Institute. 

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