A spiral of knowledge

26. April 2024.

(VIDEO) An important part of the scientific infrastructure of the Institute of Physics Belgrade is the Paradox supercomputer. Dr Aleksandar Belić talks about the beginnings of supercomputer use for the new episode of the series A Glimpse at Physics and elaborates on ways how we acquire new scientific findings employing high-performance computers.

A Glance at Physics, Ep. 7 – A spiral of knowledge

AUTHORS: Marija Đurić, Slobodan Bubnjević, Jovana Nikolić

RECORDING AND EDITING: Aleksandar Mijailović

PRODUCTION: Institute of Physics Belgrade, 2024

A Glance at Physics is a video series of the Institute of Physics Belgrade which, in short episodes, talks about individual projects and research conducted at the Institute. New episodes are posted every Friday on the Institute’s YouTube channel, website and social networks.