The talk entitled: An Error-corrected, Universal, Re-configurable, Ion-trap Quantum Archetype will be given by Marko Cetina. The talk will be held on monday, 19. march 2018 at 13:30 in the library reading room “Dr. Dragan Popović” of the Institute of Physics Belgrade. M. Cetina(1), K. Beck(1), M. Goldman(1), L. Egan(1), and C. Monroe(1,2) (1) Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department ofPhysics, College Park 20742(2) IonQ, Inc., College Park, MD 20740 Abstract The EURIQA project is a collaboration between universities andindustrial partners that is implementing a systematic, top-down approachto constructing a complex quantum processor based on trapped ions. Aspart of the LogiQ program, our goal is to use quantum error correctionto realize an encoded logical qubit. The system uses Yb+ ions, whichhave an optically-accessible qubit state with long coherence times andgate fidelities exceeding 99% [1]. We will present the status of thedevelopment and integration of the state-of-the-art system underway atJQI/UMD. Our system relies on micro-fabricated traps, paralleladdressing of individual ions, and multispecies operation and to addressthe challenges of implementing a logical qubit. This work is supportedby the ARO with funding from the IARPA LogiQ program and the AFOSR MURIon Quantum Measurement and Verification, and the ARO MURI on ModularQuantum Circuits.