Laboratory for biophysics
A non-linear microscope, which uses femtosecond pulses for studying of biomaterials by generating images on main (fluorescence), second and third harmonics, has been developed. The images of cells and tissues are often complementary and enable obtaining of new, important, in situ information on biological samples which could not be retreived by light microscope. The materials under investigations are inconel, femur, dental tissues and tumor cells.
Head of the laboratory is Dr. Aleksandar Krmpot, principal research fellow (research professor)
Dr. Aleksandar Krmpot
Dr. Mihailo Rabasović
Mihajlo Radmilović
Jovana Jelić
Aleksa Denčevski
Marta Bukumira
Miljana Piljević
On going projects:
- „Hemoglobin-based nano-spectral non-linear imaging for future label-free medical diagnostics“ (Slovenian-Serbian bilateral project; Slovenian Research Agency and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020; Slovenian project leader: Rok Podlipec, Serbian project leader: Aleksandar Krmpot)
- „Набавка опреме за мерење квантног приноса флуоресцентних (био)маркера нове генерације који се користе у обележавању ћелија канцера и напредним микроскопским техникама“ (Филип Морис у Србији и Центар за развој лидерства, програм #PokreniNauku; konkurs OPREMI. PRIMENI; project leader: Mihailo Rabasović)
- „Минимално инвазивна, селективна аблација зубног каријеса фемтосекундним ласером“ (Филип Морис у Србији и Центар за развој лидерства program #PokreniNauku; konkurs #ISTRAŽIPROMENI; project leader: Tijana Lainović)
Cased projects:
- „HEMMAGINERO – Hemoglobin-based spectroscopy and nonlinear imaging of erythrocytes and their membranes as emerging diagnostic tool“ (Science fund of the Republic of Serbia, No. 6066079, from 2020, call PROMIS; project leader: Aleksandar Krmpot)
- „Imaging and time resolved spectroscopy of hemoglobin and red blood cells in THz, NIR and visible spectral regions for future biomedical application“ (German-Serbian bilateral project; DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020; German project leader: Rui Pan, Serbian project leader: Aleksandar Krmpot)
- „Briluan spektroskopija i nelinearna laserska skenirajuca mikroskopija – potencijalno novi dijagnosticki alati u stomatologiji“ (French-Serbian bilateral project; Campus France with Institut Français Serbie and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, from 2020; French project leader: Thomas Dehoux, Serbian project leader: Tijana Lainović)
- „Study of biological micro- and nano-structures in the visible, infrared and terahertz range“ (German-Serbian bilateral project; DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, 2018-2020; German project leader: Rui Pan, Serbian project leader: Mihailo Rabasović)
- „In situ diagnostics and optimization of the ultrashort laser pulses in nonlinear 3D bioimaging microscopy“ (German-Serbian bilateral project; DAAD and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, 2016-2018; German project leader : Nikola Stojanović, Serbian project leader: Aleksandar Krmpot)
- „Laser microscope with fast circular scanning for the applications in biotechnology and medicine“ (Innovation project 165/2013; Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, 2014-2015;
project leader: Aleksandar Krmpot)
Nonlinear laser scanning microscopy and 3D imaging setup with three modalities:
– two/multi photon excited fluorescence
– second harmonic generation
– third harmonic generation (detection in transmission arm)
femtosecond (ultrafast)
– Ti:Sa Kerr lens mode locked – MIRA 900, Coherent Inc
– Yb KGW SESAM mode locked – Yb IBX TimeBandwidth Product AG
– pulse picker for Ti:Sa laser
– regenerative amplifier for Ti:Sa laser – RegA, Coherent Inc
continuous wave (CW)
– Verdi V10, Coherent Inc
– Verdi G12, Coherent Inc
– fiber coupled laser diode at 488nm
– fiber coupled laser diode at 405nm
– free space laser diode at 488nm
Optical autocorrelator
Cooled CCD spectrometer
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) setup (single molecule technique)
Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) setup (super resolution technique) – building up phase
- Tijana Stamenković, Nadežda Radmilović, Marija Prekajski-Ðorđević, Mihailo Rabasović, Ivana Dinić, Miloš Tomić, Lidija Mančić, Vesna Lojpur:
“Structure and quantum yield of up-conversion SrGd2O4:Yb,Er nanoparticles obtained via sol-gel assisted combustion”
Journal of Luminescence, 253, 119491 (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2022.119491
- Tanja Pajić, Nataša V. Todorović, Miroslav Živić, Stanko N. Nikolić, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Andrew H. A. Clayton, Aleksandar J. Krmpot:
“Label-free third harmonic generation imaging and quantification of lipid droplets in live filamentous fungi”
Scientific Reports, 12, 18760 (2022). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-23502-4
- Sho Oasa, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Stanko N. Nikolić, Andrew H. A. Clayton, Igor F. Tsigelny, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Lars Terenius, Rudolf Rigler, Vladana Vukojević:
“Dynamic Cellular Cartography: Mapping the Local Determinants of Oligodendrocyte Transcription Factor 2 (OLIG2) Function in Live Cells Using Massively Parallel Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Integrated with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (mpFCS/FLIM)”
Analytical Chemistry 93, 12011-12021 (2021), doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02144 - D. P. Kepić, D. N. Kleut, Z. M. Marković, D. V. Bajuk-Bogdanović, V. B. Pavlović, A. J. Krmpot, M. M. Lekić, D. J. Jovanović, B. M. Todorović-Marković:
“One-step preparation of gold nanoparticles – exfoliated graphene composite by gamma irradiation at low doses for photothermal therapy applications”
Materials Characterization 173, (2021) 110944, doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2021.110944
- Irena Miler, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Marija Aleksić, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Anđelika Kalezić, Aleksandra Janković, Bato Korać, Aleksandra Korać:
„Polarization resolved SHG imaging as a fast screening method for collagen alterations during aging: comparison with light and electron microscopy“
Journal of Biophotonics (2020), doi: 10.1002/jbio.202000362 - Sanja Z Despotović, Đorđe N. Milićević, Aleksandar J Krmpot, Aleksandra M Pavlović, Vladimir D Živanović, Zoran Krivokapić, Vladimir B Pavlović, Steva Lević, Gorana Nikolić, Mihailo D Rabasović:
„Altered organization of collagen fibers in the uninvolved human colon mucosa 10 cm and 20 cm away from the malignant tumor“
Scientific reports 10 (2020) 6359, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63368-y - Thomas Dehoux, Tijana Lainović, Jérémie Margueritat, Quentin Martinet, Xavier Dagany, Larisa Blažić, Dejan Pantelić, Mihailo D Rabasović, Aleksandar J Krmpot:
„Micromechanical imaging of dentin with Brillouin microscopy“
Acta Biomaterialia 115 (2020) 214-222, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.01.035 - E. Zapolnova, R. Pan, T. Golz, M. Sindik, M. Nikolić, M. Temme, M. Rabasović, D. Grujić, Z. Chen, S. Toleikis, N. Stojanović:
„XUV plasma switch for THz: new temporal overlap tool for XUV-THz pump-probe experiments at FELs“
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27 (2020) 11-16, doi: 10.1107/S16005775190141642019. - Michael G. Pravica, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Petrika Cifligu, Blake Harris, Egor Evlyukhin, Marko G. Nikolić:
„Observation of second harmonic generation in doped polymeric carbon monoxide“
Materials Letters 256 (2019) 126629, doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2019.126629 - Danica Pavlović, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Vladimir Lazović, Srećko Ćurčić, Dejan Stojanović, Branislav Jelenković, Wang Zhang, Di Zhang, Nenad Vukmirović, Dimitrije Stepanenko, Branko Kolarić, Dejan V. Pantelić:
„Naturally safe: cellular noise for document security“
Journal of Biophotonics 12 (2019), doi: 10.1002/jbio.201900218 - Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Stanko N. Nikolić, Sho Oasa, Dimitrios K. Papadopoulos, Marco Vitali, Makoto Oura, Shintaro Mikuni, Per Thyberg, Simone Tisa, Masataka Kinjo, Lennart Nilsson, Lars Terenius, Rudolf Rigler, Vladana Vukojević:
„Functional Fluorescence Microscopy Imaging: Quantitative Scanning-Free Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy for the Characterization of Fast Dynamic Processes in Live Cells“
Analytical Chemistry (2019), doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01813 - Rui Pan, Ekaterina Zapolnova, Torsten Golz, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Jovana Petrović, Vivek Asgekar, Bart Faatz, Franz Tavella, Andrea Perucchi, Sergey Kovalev, Bertram Green, Gianluca Geloni, Takanori Tanikawa, Mikhail Yurkov, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Michael Gensch, and Nikola Stojanović: „Photon diagnostics at the FLASH THz beamline“
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26 (2019) 700, doi: 10.1107/S1600577519003412 - Johan Tornmalm, Elin Sandberg, Mihailo Rabasović, Jerker Widengren:
„Local redox conditions in cells imaged via non-fluorescent transient states of NAD(P)H“
Scientific Reports 9, (2019) 15070, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51526-w2018. - Lidija Mančić, Aleksandra Đukić-Vuković, Ivana Dinić, Marko G Nikolić, Mihailo D Rabasović, Aleksandar J Krmpot, Antonio MLM Costa, Bojan A Marinković, Ljiljana Mojović, Olivera Milosević:
„One-step synthesis of amino-functionalized up-converting NaYF 4: Yb, Er nanoparticles for in vitro cell imaging“
RSC Adv 8 (2018), doi: 10.1039/C8RA04178D - Lidija Mančić, Aleksandra Đukić-Vuković, Ivana Dinić, Marko G Nikolić, Mihailo D Rabasović, Aleksandar J Krmpot, Antonio MLM Costa, Dijana Trišić, Miloš Lazarević, Ljiljana Mojović, Olivera Milošević:
„NIR photo-driven upconversion in NaYF 4: Yb, Er/PLGA particles for in vitro bioimaging of cancer cells“
Materials Science and Engineering: C 91, 597-605 (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2018.05.0812017. - Maja Vrbica, Andjeljko Petrović, Dejan Pantelić, Aleksandar J Krmpot, Mihailo D Rabasović, Danica Pavlović, Svetlana Jovanić, Borislav Guéorguiev, Stoyan Goranov, Nikola Vesović, Dragan Antić, Đorđe Marković, Matija Petković, Ljubiša Stanisavljević, Srećko Ćurčić:
„The genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch, 1923 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) in Serbia: taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogeny“
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 183 (2), 347-371 (2017), doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx078 - Sanja Z. Despotović, Novica M. Milićević, Dragoslav P. Milošević, Nebojša Despotović, Predrag Erceg, Petar Svorcan, Udo Schumacher, Sebastian Ullrich, Gordana Mihajlović, Dragan Kalem, Srđan Marković, Ivana M. Lalić, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Dejan V. Pantelić, Svetlana Z. Jovanić, Thomas Rösch, Živana Milićević:
„Remodeling of Extracellular Matrix of the Lamina Propria in the Uninvolved Human Rectal Mucosa 10 cm and 20 cm away from the Malignant Tumor“
Tumor Biology 39 (7), 1010428317711654 (2017), doi: 10.1177/1010428317711654 - D. V. Pantelić, S. N. Savić-Šević, D.V. Stojanović, S. B. Ćurčić, A. J. Krmpot, M. D. Rabasović, D. Pavlović, V. Lazović, V. Milošević:
„Scattering-enhanced absorption and interference produce a golden wing color of the Burnished Brass moth, Diachrysiachrysitis“
Phys Rev E 95 (3), 032405 (2017), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032405 - Katarina Bukara, Svetlana Jovanić, Ivana T. Drvenica, Ana Stančić, Vesna Ilić, Mihailo D. Rabasović, Dejan Pantelić, Branislav Jelenković, Branko Bugarski, Aleksandar J. Krmpot:
„Mapping of hemoglobin in erythrocytes and erythrocyte ghosts using two photon excitation fluorescence microscopy“
J. Biomed. Opt. 22 (2), 026003 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.2.026003 - S. Dmitrović, M. G. Nikolić, B. M. Jelenković, M. Prekajski, M. Rabasović, A. Zarubica, G. Branković, B. Matović:
„Photoluminescent properties of spider silk coated with Eu doped nanoceria“
J. Nanopart. Res. 19 (2), 47 (2017), doi: 10.1007/s11051-017-3750-92016. - Papadopoulos Dimitrios K, Krmpot Aleksandar J, Nikolić Stanko N, Krautz Robert, Terenius Lars, Tomancak Pavel, Rigler Rudolf, Gehring Walter J, Vukojević Vladana:
„Probing the kinetic landscape of Hox transcription factor-DNA binding in live cells by massively parallel Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy“
Mechanisms of Development 138 218 (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.mod.2015.09.004 - Mihailo D. Rabasović, Dejan V. Pantelić, Branislav M. Jelenković, Srečko B. Ćurčić, Maja S. Rabasović, Maja D. Vrbica, Vladimir M. Lazović, Božidar P. M. Ćurčić, Aleksandar J. Krmpot:
„Nonlinear microscopy of chitin and chitinous structures: a case study of two cave-dwelling insects“
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20 (2015) 016010, doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.1.016010 - Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Stanko N. Nikolić, Marco Vitali, Dimitrios K. Papadopoulos, Sho Oasa, Per Thyberg, Simone Tisa, Masataka Kinjo, Lennart Nilsson, Walter J. Gehring, Lars Terenius, Rudolf Rigler, Vladana Vukojević:
„Quantitative confocal fluorescence microscopy of dynamic processes by multifocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy“
Advanced Microscopy Techniques IV; and Neurophotonics II, Proceedings of SPIE 9536 (2015) 95360O, doi: 10.1117/12.2183935 - M. D. Rabasović, E. Sisamakis, S. Wennmalm, J.Widengren:
„Label-Free Fluctuation Spectroscopy Based on Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering from Bulk Water Molecules“
ChemPhysChem 17 (2016) 1025, doi: 10.1002/cphc.2015011292015. - M. D. Rabasović, D. V. Pantelić, B. M. Jelenković, S. B. Ćurčić, M. S. Rabasović, M. D. Vrbica, V. M. Lazović, B. P. M. Ćurčić, A. J. Krmpot:
„Nonlinear Microscopy of Chitin and Chitinous Structures: a Case Study of Two Cave-Dwelling Insects“
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20, (2015) 016010, doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.1.0160102014. - Marco Vitali, Danilo Bronzi, Aleksandar J. Krmpot, Stanko Nikolić, Franz-Josef Schmitt, Cornelia Junghans, Simone Tisa, Thomas Friedrich, Vladana Vukojević, Lars Terenius, Franco Zappa, and Rudolf Rigler:
„A single-photon avalanche camera for Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and correlation spectroscopy“
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 20 (2014) 344, doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.23332382013. - Aleksandar J Krmpot, George J Tserevelakis, Branka D Murić, George Filippidis, and Dejan V Pantelić:
„3D imaging and characterization of microlenses and microlenses arrays using nonlinear microscopy“
Journal of Physics D 46, (2013) 195101, doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/19/1951012010. - G.J. Tserevelakis, G. Filippidis, A.J. Krmpot, M. Vlachos, C. Fotakis, N. Tavernarakis:
„Imaging Caenorhabditiselegans embryogenesis by third-harmonic generation microscopy“
Micron 41 (2010) 444, doi: 10.1016/j.micron.2010.02.006 - Krmpot Aleksandar J, Janjetović, Kristina D, Misirkić Maja S, Vučićević Ljubica M, Pantelić Dejan V, Vasiljević Darko M, Popadić Dusan M, Jelenković Branislav M, Trajković Vladimir S:
„Protective Effect of Autophagy in Laser-Induced Glioma Cell Death In Vitro“
Lasers In Surgery and Medicine 42 (2010) 338, doi: 10.1002/lsm.20911